Demented Magazine Model Search


Source: Demented Magazine

By: Company Press Release

(DANVERS, MA) — Do you think you have what it takes to become a Demented Dime? If you do you could win $5,000 and a 4 page spread in our 2003 year end issue by entering the Demented Magazine bikini contest. This is a great opportunity to further your career and get great exposure!

You only need to do two things to enter:

1) Send us 3 photos via postal mail. 2) Include a photocopy of your passport or drivers license to verify your age.

We do not accept headshots. We are looking for Bikini, Thongs, & semi nude photos. Photos must be tasteful and are accepted at our discretion

Contestants Must be 18 years or older.

Demented Magazine

C/O Model Contest

4 Iroquois Rd #333

Danvers, MA 01923