Ask Antonia Anything – Christmas 2002 Edition


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Antonia


Happy Holidays my Hot’n’Horny readers! Hope you all have been naughty AND nice because Santa has a bag full of questions for me to answer. So I am making my list and checking it twice etc, etc.

First I would like to make a major announcement regarding two “Giants” of the Industry. I am referring to the two Rubies: Rubee Tuesday and Ruby Tuesday. According to our intrepid editor (the stud-muffin Mr. Steve Nelson), it seems that these lovely ladies would like do create beautiful music together in the form of a pictorial. Wow, imagine the possibilities of THAT encounter. The project is now in the works and you can rest assured that you will all be kept posted on the lasted “developments”.

The first question sounds like it came from an individual who has the potential of becoming the Horatio Alger of Porn:

“Deyson at [redacted] wrote the following….

Hello my name is Deyson Ortiz, I currently live in the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Area and I would like to start my own adult film production business. I have equipment and access to all kinds of from Beta, DV, to HDtv and 24p HD. What I really need are actresses that would like to be in my films. What would you suggest I do to locate girls and guys? That would be interested, and also what are the laws in Florida for shooting adult cinema.

Thank you

I am really eager to get something going I got many good ideas and a strong imagination.”

And now my response:

Dear Deyson,

A good place to find talent is to place an ad in one of the alternative publications in your area. Also dance clubs are a good source of talent. As far as the legalities are concerned try checking out This is a very good place to research local laws. Good Luck!

Sometimes when I get questions like this next one, it makes me feel like I am running an employment agency and not a column:

“Ralphie [redacted] wrote the following…. Where do I find employment opportunities within your organization? Particularly with your Information Technology Department?”

DID YOU SAY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT? Ha! Is that what we call the monkey we keep locked in the closet that turns the eggbeater that keeps the search engines running? If you don’t mind being paid with bananas then you have a future with this company.

[Actually we have had only need for ONE Information Technology specialist, ‘Webmaster’ Mike. He is the genius who does the work of many and is responsible for all the back-end software, programming in multiple languages, database creation and management, hardware modifications, technicle support and the fact NEVER has gone down in it’s entire history of being online to serve it’s readers. -Ed.]

Okay now I will try to be nice to this next person:

Shaun [redacted] wrote the following…. ” Hello, im interested in getting into the amateur video scene. i live in the atlanta, GA area. If you can give me a point in the right direction, that would be great! thanks! Shaun”

Dude if you act as well as you write, then you are definitely qualified for amateur status. Next victim!

Morgan [redacted] wrote the following….

“Hi. I’m curious to know what Colt Steele is doing these days – who is he signed with, is he signed exclusively, is he even doing adult videos anymore, and on the private front – there’s a rumor going around that he married, moved to Wyoming and that’s why he’s not in too many videos anymore. If that’s true, I wish him the best, I’m just curious if he’ll be in Vegas at the awards show with his family. I enjoyed him during my college years in the early 90s when he looked much more innocent than now. I have a soft spot for him and want to make sure he hasn’t gone down the drug road. You don’t have to answer personally but if you’d put up news on your front page I can find it as I check the sight maybe once a month.



My you ask a lot of nosy questions. Are you sure you are not with the IRS? The talented and handsome Mr. Steele is currently on hiatus from the business. I will not disclose any aspects of his personal life because after all, it’s personal. I don’t want to be perceived as a mean spirited bitch now do I? Ha! But you can rest assured that if any news develops regarding the bearded one; this virtual fish-wrap will be the first to report it.

Blame Canada! Blame Canada!

“Hi Antonia, Call me George, anyway I am fairly new to this Industry, I have my first film in the works right now that I am starring in and I would like to get more involved. So I am wondering if there are events in Canada like Circus MaxXximus 2002 and if you could maybe give me some other insight where to look.”

You gotta love those wild and wacky Canadians. George, my suggestion is that you contact PAW directly. They are the sponsors of this event and will be more than happy to assist you with any questions. Good Luck!

Milind at [redacted] wrote the following…. “As a spectator, is it possible for me to attend any adult film shooting? I am anxiously looking forward to such opportunity”

Generally speaking the way this works is that a company will announce a contest and the winner gets to visit the set. Elegant Angel is a frequent sponsor of these activities. Naturally we report it the minute we hear about them so stay tuned. Now I will go on to answer a question about my two most favorite subjects, Jenna Jameson.

Alex at [redacted] wrote the following….

“It is my understanding that Jenna is really good about answering fan mail. I wanted to send in a letter or e-mail to her but I can’t find anything I trust. Do you have any suggestions?”

Hey Alex, I will do you one better: Not only does Jenna answer her email but she also conducts live chats on a regular basis. Go to for all the details. Happy Chatting!

I will answer this next question only if the sender promises me he will read Strunk and White’s “Elements of Grammar”

nate [redacted] wrote the following….

” Me and a friend [see what I mean? -Antonia] were wondering where to look to be part of a gang bang movie. One like the gang bang 2000. Do you know where? I am 19 and my friend is 18 by the way.”

I think the spell check application on my Mac just had a nervous brake down trying to read you email. Nate why don’t you call the Bukakke hotline at 818-759-4669. But promise me you will read that book first!

Now I ask a question of you my hot’n’horny readers. What is the secret to creating a memorable Adult Film? Location, location, location! Read on to learn more:

“Hi Antonia!

My name is Oscar, and I have yet to meet you. I have been in touch with Steve Nelson, whom I met at Odi Springs during filming of “Goddess”. He has been very helpful in advising me, and running an article on Odi Springs in AINews [dated September 18, 2002] Odi Springs is now available to the adult industry at half price for the first shoot as an introductory offer, so as to bring this location to the attention of producers in the industry. I asked him about if the choice of locations used for filming was made by the producer, or a locations person, in order that my mailed brochure should be addressed to, and seen by, the right person. He deferred the question to you, so I do ask of you, whom would I seek to speak to in this regard? Please see for a look at my location, and come see us in person sometime!

I look forward to your reply, and I Thank you”

My that is a long letter and to tell you the truth I was getting ready to respond with my usual acid tongue sarcasm until I visited your site and was awestruck by the beauty of the place. I am going to give Odi Springs my official seal of approval. I was completely enchanted by the abundance of natural beauty plus the dog in one of the pictures is really cute too. My suggestion is that you prepare a press release both hard copy and electronic then make sure it circulates around the appropriate channels in the Industry. You can always count on this publication to give you a plug. Best of luck!

[Actually, we already have his location covered and the press release is located at (Also linked in the box to the right) -Ed.]

Okay, enough gushing. This next question begs for a tongue lashing. Subject: SOME PEOPLE WILL NEVER BE HAPPY EVEN WHEN ANTONIA CONDESCENDS TO ANSWER THEIR SELF-SERVING QUESTIONS:

“From: “MITCHELL [REDACTED]> To: Antonia, you gave the advice to go to soft-phone@att to look for movie locations…there are 30,719 sites could you be more specific please. Mitchell”

You say you found 30,719 sites in your search and you want me to narrow it down. Young man let me clarify a few things first: This web site gets roughly the same amount of email traffic a day. From there our hard working staff (including the monkey with the eggbeater) narrow down the questions addressed directly to me. On my end, I get about 100 questions a day, most of which get weeded out since the same questions get asked repeatedly. Out of the ones that are left over about one percent actually become fodder for my column. You were one of the lucky ones whose question was answered and now you want me to narrow it down for you even more? Ha! My suggestion is for you to get off your easy chair and do the leg work yourself. Bah! Humbug!

I wish all questions were as easy as the next one:

Bruce [redacted] wrote the following…. “When is the Las Vegas Porn Expo?”

Whew! That’s a no brainer, the Las Vegas Internet Porn Expo is Jan.9 – 12 2003. Be there or be square.

The Snoopster should be proud of his international following:

Akwasi [redacted] wrote the following…. ” Goodday all My name is Akwasi I live in Holland and I’m 32 years of age. First of all I like to say that I really enjoyed the movie Snoop Dogg’s Doggystyle. Now my question is this: Is there any news of Doggystyle vol.2? The last thing I have heard is that there were plans to shoot the movie but that was some time ago. Have they already started shooting? And when can we expect it to be released? And final question: I heard that Snoop is working on a new series of movies other than Doggystyle, is this true? And what’s the name of it? I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you very much for your time,

Yours sincerely,


Yo! Akwasi you’re my dog! Yes there is a lot of breaking Snoop Dogg news to report. First, Doggystyle Ii is in the can and available for purchase through this fine publication. There is a lot of hot girl-girl action that will definitely make the flag of the House of Orange rise to attention. Second, the Doggman has also released a “Girls gone wild Doggystyle”. This should be interesting. I guess Snoop Dogg stays up late like the rest of us watching drunken coeds making their screen debut by flashing their cans at a camera. Good going Snoopy! Check out all the latest on Snoop Dogg by visiting his site:

And while we are on the subject of screen debuts I will wind up my column by answering this final nugget:

Bill [redacted] wrote the following….

“I am in search of a source for an adult movie that I saw, and enjoyed several years ago. Essex Video distributed the movie and it claimed to feature Hyapatia Lee in “Her first adult film”. The cast also included Rachel Ashley in her “Her first adult film”. If you could give me information regarding where I might obtain this tape I would appreciate it.



Thanks for asking Bill; I gazed into my crystal ball and what was revealed to me was a gem called “Deep Inside Hyapatia Lee”. It’s a classic for all connoisseurs of vintage erotica and a must have for any Collection. “Deep Inside?” is also available through this fine publication. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!