Night of Adult Stars II


Source: Las Vegas Plush Magazine

By: Company Press Release

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — We’re reaching out to the Adult Entertainment Industry to help raise awareness and support to a cause that too often is not openly discussed, Suicide Prevention. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in Americans, more than 30,000 lives were lost to suicide in the last year – 30,000!!

Suicide cases are reaching epidemic proportions, and our industry is especially impacted. This hit all to close to home in August 2002 as the elder brother of our publishers, Andrew and Peter Housley, took his own life. As a result Plush Publishing has made it a goal to put an end to the tragedy of a preventable cause of death. Over the past few months we have developed a solid relationship with one of the leading charity organizations that is making an impact, the National Hopeline Network ( Hopeline operates 1-800-SUICIDE in conjunction with certified counseling and treatment centers throughout the United States.

Plush Magazine and Las Vegas Xcitement Magazine in partnership with the Olympic Garden, Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club and will be hosting two awareness and fund raising events during AVN’s Internext and AVN Expo the week of January 6th, 2003. We are actively seeking industry support for the events by way of financial donations by event sponsors and co-sponsors; as well as donations of time, talent, merchandise and attendance of feature adult entertainers, and stars.

Our sponsors page has detailed information about each event, sponsorship opportunities and promotional endeavors. In addition to goodwill these events offer excellent exposure opportunities via mass media prior to and post events – making your participation not only humanitarian but also a positive investment. Sponsorship Info:

I urge you to take a moment to consider the impact of saving just one life by exposing them to 1-800-SUICIDE and then take action. This is truly an opportunity for the Adult Industry to Shine! We’d appreciate you forwarding this press release on to others that may be interested. Please contact me at your earliest opportunity to discuss. Thank you.

Brad Fitzgerald

Photo Editor

Las Vegas Plush Magazine

(702) 304-9490