By: Company Press Release

(WOODLAND HILLS, CA) — Kim Kelly who is planning to diet the rest of this month eating nothing more than cum in what she calls the “Man Juice Diet” got off to a flying start on Sunday, December 1, 2002. “Thanks to Steve from for much help, and some adult professionals such as Jim Legman of Legman’s Lassies and Kyle Phillips who were kind enough to donate sperm to me.”
This week, she will be appearing on on the Wankus Show at 7 pm. Guests will be joining her for an on the aire feeding. Next it will be a return to Playboy for Playboy Radio on XM Radio Friday at 5 pm (please call in to the show and talk to me at 800-359-8100) , and on Monday Dec. 9th, the Howard Stern Show in New York. With all this running around it’s a wonder she finds time to eat! …But she does, and if you have been tested she will have you for dinner.
When asked about how it was going Kim commented that not enough people were getting tested and she was still very hungry. She jokingly said “This month only get your test at AIM and get a blowjob FREE! I’ve got lots to do today, filming tonight in the valley if anyone wants to CUM!”