Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Sandra Margot Giani

My long awaited book is now available on I’d really appreciate any support I can get from you to make my book a success.
If you can afford it, it would help me a lot if you’d go to and buy my book. Whether or not the subject matter appeals to you. If you don’t think you’ll read it, give it as a gift. trust me, Everyone could benefit from reading it, pregnant or not. The book offers some very solid advice on the subject of relationships. Even though the title is “A Pregnant Couple’s Guide to sex, Romance and Intimacy,” the advice is actually helpful to anyone in a relationship, or anyone seeking such.
The book is normally $18 but if you get it in October it’s only $13.75. Please do not ask me for ‘free’ copies; the publisher is being Very thrifty, since I am a new author. I will not have any free copies to distribute.
The more orders that are placed for the book, the more likely I’ll be to get a deal for my next book.
Help shape the career of a TV personality in the making. Help make history. Get my book right now, before you forget. Tell everyone and anyone you know, especially Anyone who’s pregnant, who’s wife/girlfriend is pregnant, or anyone who’s Thinking of getting pregnant.
Go to search under ‘books’ for my name ‘Sandra Margot.’ the book page will pop up.
Thanks all,
Sandra Margot