Source: DV8 Inc
By: Company Press Release

(BURBANK, CA) — New time slot! New format! Same bad-ass channel! KSEX Radio’s “The Young & the Curious” will now be aired from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Pt) each Friday night, with changes in host Jason Sechrest’s show format. Sechrest is implementing new features on the show to be executed after the break at half-past the hour, alternating between AVN Insider’s “Top 10 List,” mainstream movie reviews with former Penthouse Pet turned talk show host Sam Phillips, and random phone calls to Sechrest’s mother in a segment called “Just Jen,” wherein the host asks his (sometimes intoxicated) mother for her own take on sex and sexuality.
“We’ve also started opening each show with a topic for the evening and that’s something different for us,” explains Sechrest. “I think it provokes the audience into more participation with call-in listeners and comments from the chat room, and it gives the stars something to talk about besides what’s happening in their own careers. I’m really excited about the new direction the show is taking, it just keeps getting bigger and better. The new time slot is a God send! Now all of my friends in Los Angeles can actually tune in because they won’t be stuck in Friday rush-hour traffic!”
The new format and new time slot begins this Friday, September 6th, from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Pt) with special guests Tina Tyler and Michael Brandon taking to the mike for live interviews and hot talk.
Media interested in attending this week’s live broadcast, please contact:
Jason Sechrest
DV8 Incorporate / DV8 Public Relations /
8205 Santa Monica Blvd., #1-175, West Hollywood, CA 90046
Phone: (323) 650-1952
Fax: (818) 786-2428