Source: Reuters

He still hasn’t exposed the person who really killed his wife, Nicole, but O.J. Simpson isn’t letting that frustration get him down. In fact, in a new bootleg video that’s about to be marketed over the Internet, the disgraced former football star appears to be enjoying a very lusty love life.
I’m told the 30-minute tape opens with O.J., looking somewhat befuddled, boasting about how great things are in his Florida domicile, how many friends and fans he has and how he’s wanting for nothing. Then it cuts to the chase – Simpson making it with two white girls in a steamy menage a trios.
I know some of the people behind the video. It’s fair to say they are “Of repute” if not “reputable” and that they have sounded out some p.r. firms about marketing strategies. (in the end, they seem to have decided the video will sell itself without professional help.)
Likewise, their claim that the tape is either bootlegged or was somehow stolen from O.J.’s private stock. This could be just a gimmick to increase its sleaze value. For all we know, a cash-strapped Simpson may be an enthusiastic partner in the venture.
The only sure thing seems to be that the tape will be a huge seller in the demimonde of the Internet. In our celebrity-and-scandal-obsessed society, O.J. Is some kind of sick icon and some of us will never get enough of him.