Hustler or Playboy, Dave Ponders Who’s Best – From the Trenches


Source: Dave Cummings for Adult Industry News

By: Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

My objectivity seems somewhat self-challenged, possibly overwhelmed, when I equally enjoy the Hustler bookstores, coffee/desserts, events, etc., and the Playboy Television shows that I am often blessed to be on. One of the girls in my running club commented recently that I should favor one over the other.

I refuse to adhere to that contention, a philosophy which she expressed last week at a hot tub party which Jewels Jade and I attended after we drove back to San Diego from Hollywood subsequent to being guests on Playboy’s “Night Calls” program starring Juli Ashton and Tiffany Granath, with Tawny Roberts, Friday, Skye Ashton, and Rick Roberts. Hustler’s Theresa Flynt sends me free Hustler shirts to wear; the San Diego store will graciously host a “run-through” and provide adult goodies to 700+ San Diego Hash House Harriers running friends during a special run in San Diego in a few weeks; and, the coffee and hospitality is fantastic whenever I stop by their classy stores.

Similarly, I thoroughly enjoy appearances on Playboy Television, where the Producer of their “Night Calls” show and the Producer of their “Night Calls 411” program are both a couple of the most organized, dedicated, and professional people I’ve ever met in my life; the Director, hostesses, crew, and support folks are unbelievably sharp; and, I Always have a lot of fun on the Playboy sets. Am I going to rank order or favor Hustler or Playboy? Heck, No! I can honestly and objectively say that Both are outstanding entities! My objectivity is not at risk — indeed in my heart/soul/mind, I equally respect, enjoy, and report without bias upon both fine organizations.

Having objectively sorted out the above self-challenge, let me report that last week’s Playboy appearance on “Night Calls” was a blast! As has always been the case in the many times that I’ve been on “Night Calls 411” starring Tera Patrick and Crystal Knight, the Playboy folks/crew/stars/guests were once again an absolute symphony of beautiful music all blended into a masterpiece. What fun! What professionalism! What laughter! What class! The program centered around voyeurism and a backyard holiday barbeque, one in which I “played” both a playful Uncle Sam and an irate/grumpy neighbor who somehow shoved my “wiener” through a knothole in the fence separating the two yards, only to have it wrapped in a hot dog roll wielded by one of the lovely female guest’s. Thankfully, I was “up” for the role! Later, as Uncle Sam, I joined the barbeque to “play”, and impart some holiday wishes and a plea to drive safely. Once the live 90-minute show ended, everyone was happily congratulating each other on yet another successful show. The Director, crew, and support folks are the same people for both the “Night Calls” and the “Night Calls 411” shows, and the teamwork and cohesiveness really shows! The two separate producers of the shows are super-organizers and leaders who give life to the ideas they’ve built and nurtured for each show. I guess it’s openly apparent that I am absolutely elated about the many times I’ve been booked on these two fun programs!

There’s a unique upcoming event that’s got my attention, to the point that I’m planning to carry the simulcasted Internet live feed on my (I’ve never previously carried anything live over the Internet, but this one seems like something that will be extremely popular to viewers, so I’m making an exception in this particular case). The folks at keep track of sexual world records, much like a “Guinness” world records book, but focusing upon Adult Industry records. They are sponsoring a very unique attempt at setting a new world record for a reverse gangbang. The unique aspect is that they have already had a successful “test run” with a super-stud who will have sex, live over the Internet and in front of major media witnesses, with 20 consecutive women with no breaks in between, and he will fire a full “money shot” with each of the twenty girls, all within a 2-hour period. I’ve talked with Rob at who impresses me as an honest individual-he swears that there will be absolutely no trickery used whatsoever, and that major media folks will be there to insure that the record is indeed broken legitimately. As many of you know, I was a participant in many of the major gangbangs of the past; I’m personally convinced that this one will be a legitimate record-breaking attempt and event without any shenanigans. See to check out the names of the very popular starlets signing up to get hosed by this stud, to determine the date of the live record-breaking attempt, to possibly arrange to see the event on your computer screen, or to get email updates, etc.

There have been lots of shoots since I wrote last month’s fan column, as well as parties and other sexual happenings, but after awhile they all seem to blend into one massive sexual heaven. It’s also that time of year when new aspiring starlets are arriving in California in droves to seek out a career in the Adult Industry. Interestingly, it seems like a lot of girls graduating from high school have a comfortable outlook upon sex, along with an urge to have sex on film and to boast to their friends that they are now porn starlets! All I can say is “bring them on”!!!

As follow-on to last month’s column (see the link to “Read Dave’s Column” at, indeed I did attend the 40th Class reunion at my parochial college; and, yes, everyone seemed to be clued into my present porn star life. I wonder if that’s why one of the priests seemed to be specifically looking at me straight in the eye when he said that he hoped to see all of us at Mass the next morning!!

Be safe, be happy, be thankful and supportive of freedom!

Dave Cummings