Source: Adult Industry News
By: Nina Whett & Scott Cohen

Directed by Rob Black, stars uncredited from Extreme Associates.
Reviewer Nina Whett says…
First of all there is a disclaimer monologue at the beginning of this movie given by Rob Black himself regarding the contents of this move. He warns that it might be violent. He also goes on about how this is “just a movie” explaining about how controversial the film is and the press it has gotten. Well, I watched this video and let me tell you why it’s wrong!…
Promoting violence and or making (or trying to make) RAPE look sexy is very disturbing to me, and not only to myself but a lot of other women and men as well. There is nothing sexy or cool about anyone Raping anyone else and if you think it is, you: #1 need to keep that fantasy off camera. (If you’re planning on doing it to someone you need to tell a shrink) #2 you’re deluded and you are in need of psychiatric help.
Rape is about Violence. It’s also a crime. I don’t have a problem with concentual rough sex between two adults but making an Adult movie where the storyline is about RAPE to me is wrong! Yes they do have sex and violence in rated R movies, and that’s kind of ridiculous sometimes too, but we are talking about PORN. Just as in life we need LIMITS, so does the adult Industry. This goes beyond what is acceptable to me, just as mocking kiddie porn or having sex with animals is way out there. But where do we draw the line? Movies like this are more than “controversial”, they are BAD for the Adult film business. They are also offensive to victims of similar crimes. “No way” this is not porn, or it shouldn’t be considered so!
My Vote: STOP!
Reviewer Scott Cohen says…
Extreme is definitely known for pushing the envelope when it comes to adult videos. I don’t have a problem with that. I have given Extreme plenty of good reviews. In fact, I liked this one except for the fact that about 10 minutes of the film ruins my entire opinion of it.
This movie goes beyond pushing the envelope and goes way to far. Forced Entry is mainly about “erotic rape” and rough sex. I have no doubt that the women in this video were beyond willing participants. In fact, at the end of the movie they even have a group interview and discussions of sorts where the actors and actresses in essence say, “hey, its just a movie.” I don’t have a problem with 99% of what goes on in this movie. Unfortunately, about 10 minutes of this video goes beyond pretend rape and rough sex.
Every scene ends with the girl being murdered, which in my opinion turns this entire video into a snuff film. Is it faked? Obviously. Was any of the actresses really harmed in the making of this movie in real life? No. Does extreme have the freedom of speech to make this movie? Yes. How much do I believe in the right to the freedom of speech? Quite a bit. I personally believe that the limits of freedom of speech end only up to the point of yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire.
Does this movie fall into the realm of freedom of speech? I give a reluctant (and I do stress a very reluctant) yes. However, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that once said something along the lines of the following: You have the right to say whatever you wish to say, but think before you open your mouth. I know some people will say that they don’t have a problem with adult movies and they don’t have a problem with action movies. Neither do I. In fact, I like a good shoot em up movie. Anything with Arnold, Sly, or any other number of mainstream actions movies is alright in my book.
However, sex is not about killing people. Period. End of story. Conversation over. Personally, I believe that Extreme should willingly recall all copies of this movie and delete the murder scenes. Is that going to happen? Not a chance. I would encourage everyone to boycott this film and I hope that Extreme uses better judgment in the future.
In the end, I hope that my above tirade helps to make this movie a financial bust. Sadly, my efforts are most likely in vain as I probably just sold them a few hundred extra copies because of my review.
If you are even considering purchasing this one…stop…turn around…go home…look at your wife, sister, daughter, friend down the street and really consider if a sex movie should be a snuff film.
Final Rating: STOP!