From The Trenches With Dave Cummings


Source: Courtesy of

By: Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

(SAN DIEGO, CA) — Thus far this year, my monthly columns have focused on Swinging, Groupie Girls, and Adult Industry events in Las Vegas (see the link to Read Dave’s Column at my web site [below].) Lest I upset some of my website viewers who tell me that they live vicariously through my experiences and demand to hear about recent shoots, girls, and X-Rated happenings, here’s some of the naughty stuff that I’ve experienced of late!

Like every spring, I joined hundreds of other Hash House Harrier running club members for three days of running, beer drinking (somewhat responsibly), late night dancing, and wildness in Palm Springs; as usual, there was lots of nudity in the Jacuzzi, throughout the dinner-dance skits, and in the jello-wrestling pit where our female runners showed remarkable skill at quickly yanking off their opponent’s panties and tops! Poolside also featured a lot of female skin and beauty. This annual fun event is a chance to act child-like, enjoy the sun and scenery, think and act like we re partying with wild coed fraternities/sororities, consume massive amounts of good beer and tasty food, relieve the stresses of everyday life, joke and laugh, and enjoy belonging to an International family of tens of thousands of fun-loving runners (to find out about hashing and hash running groups in your city/state/country, check out the links in the lower left portion of! Worldly irrelevance, fun exercise, and relaxation is foremost in our minds while hashing, though we actually DID do three runs in Palm Springs between Friday night and Sunday noon, plus the yearly midnight naked run around the grounds of the hotel resort. Speaking of naked, before leaving Palm Springs, I had Sunday brunch with Nicole of and Chef Geoff of – the beautiful Nicole was the cover girl for last February s issue of Hustler Magazine, and I sensed that some of the after-church crowd at brunch recognized her! Just like I have a real family (and an Adult Industry family), I feel like the Hash House Harriers is yet an additional family; I participate in hashing events 3-5 times each and every week.

How’s this for a tie-in between running and the Adult Industry – recently, Juli Ashton (see accompanied me to a recent hash run in San Diego! Juli is presently training for a tough/up-hill/grueling half-marathon that she’s running with her sister and father this summer. Upon arrival at the run start location, Juli seemed to the other hashers to be merely a beautiful, personable, and sweet visiting runner; however, during the 4-5 mile jaunt, a number of runners recognized her, both from her Nightcalls program on Playboy Television and as the mega-superstar that she is in the Adult Industry. Clearly, just by being her All-American wholesome self, Juli Ashton was a big hit among the women and men running and having fun that day. Though I am becoming known as a hasher who often seeks short-cuts to the finish locations, Juli insisted that I run the entire trail with her, including climbing fences and following the group along river beds and off-road areas frankly, she ran my butt off! At the finish, all of us were rewarded with hash food, beverages, and fun. Don’t be surprised to see Juli and possibly some other Adult Stars at a hash run, or a race near you!

Recently turning 62 and becoming eligible for Social Security later this year, the folks at Playboy Television’s Sexcetera program sent a crew down to San Diego to see how I was going to celebrate my birthday. They filmed me answering emails; they interviewed me; and, they filmed me doing a hardcore sex scene with porn starlets Kurious and Gabriella Banks for release later this summer in my Knee Pad Nymphos, Vol 4. A journalist from a San Diego weekly newspaper also covered the shoot, in anticipation of a possible story down the road. After the money shot (in my ancient case, a money dribble), the girls and I piled into a Playboy limo along with their crew and personalities and a sexy Sexcetera model for the freeway trip to the Social Security office where I picked up my old age pension application papers; yes, the roundtrip drive along Interstate 5 included lots of sex for this old fart! Upon return to my condo, I did a soft-core scene with the Sexcetera model – yummy! Then, the Sexcetera folks followed me to an evening run with the California Larrikin Hash House Harriers, where they caught me short-cutting to the finish at an Italian restaurant where 65-70 of us drank, ate, laughed, and devoured a naughtily-decorated birthday cake supplied by the Playboy folks, along with a delicious cake supplied by the hashers! What a fun birthday! I might chronologically be 62 years old, but I neither feel it nor am I in any particular hurry to grow up!

I’ve been happily involved with lots of sex lately hey, it’s my job!!! I was recently the hired gun host of Screw My Wife, Please, Vol 26; and, Screw My Husband, Please, Vol 3 for Wildlife Production’s acclaimed Director Bobby Rinaldi (see As is usual with these two very successful series, I managed to get some action in three of the five sex scenes in both filmings. Playboy’s Sexcetera folks were on the Screw My Husband, Please set filming me as part of their upcoming segment about some old fossil named Dave Cummings! I’ve also done a number of other recent filmings, for example a fun sex scene with Austin O’Riley (see her photo in the lower RH corner of the Knee Pad Nymphos, Vol 3 box cover at the link to Movies and More in the Guest’s portion of my site [link below] a scene with the classy Rhiannon Bray; and, with the fun, devilish, and naughty Summer Haze. Being half Irish (the other half is Italian), Austin O Riley and I hit it off well; 21-year old Rhiannon Bray and I identified with our pasts, in that she was an Army Sergeant until she recently entered the Adult Industry – there was something about the Army’s non-fraternization policy that we both giggled about as we were having sex on film; and, when Summer Haze told me that she felt like being very nasty, we did a creampie cum shot, whereupon she used a chocolate cookie to scoop up the ejaculate oozing out if her vagina and ate Everything!

Stay safe, be happy, and enjoy your sex life!

Dave Cummings