Free Speech Coalition General Meeting on April 4, 2002


Source: Free Speech Coalition

By: Company Press Release

Dear FSC Member or Supporter,

The FSC General Meeting on April 4, 2002, is an important opportunity for us to show a strong public presence to the Los Angeles Attorney’s Office and to the ACLU, with whom we often work. Without your participation this event will fail to accomplish an important goal.

Our industry has a reputation among outsiders of being divided, fragmented, and ignorant of the issues that confront us. We need to counter that impression NOW!

Please help us show our important guests and the press who will cover the event that we are an industry that is unified, aware, and politically active. If we show strength and commitment, we can go a long way toward affecting the way government reacts to us.

Please send as many of your employees to this important General Meeting as you can afford. When the head of the Southern CA ACLU and the Prosecuting Attorney from the city of Los Angeles look out at our audience, we want them to recognize that the Adult Entertainment Industry is a significant employer and taxpayer, and a powerful voting force in California elections.

This is a dinner meeting and an outline of the program follows this message. The admission is $50 per person. Call Neva Today, at 818-348-9373, or e-mail at to make reservations for yourself and your chosen employees. We Need Your Participation.

Thanks in advance,

Bill Lyon

Executive Director

Free Speech Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda:

6 p.m. – Cocktail Reception (hors d’oeuvres will be served)

7 p.m. – Tables set for dinner; begin seating

7:10 p.m. – Dinner served

7:45 p.m. – Program

Welcome by Bill Lyon, Executive Director

Introductions by Jeffrey J. Douglas, Chair, FSC Board of Directors

Guest Speakers:

Ramona Ripston, Executive Director, ACLU of Southern California

Michelle Anderson, deputy city attorney for LA in the Special Enforcement Office 8:30 – Question & answer period

9:00 — Adjourn Meeting

*** Important! RSVP by Friday, March 29 ***