Chasin’ Pink #5 – Reviewer Rated


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Michael Scott


Directed by Robby D, starring Chasey Lain, Jezebel Bond, Dominica Leoni, Tanya Danielle, Raylene, Daisy Chain, Niki Talon and Kianna, from Vivid Raw.

Reviewer Michael Scott says…

This all girl, all the time, video wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Robby D. usually can get my juices flowing and although this is a collection of some of the most beautiful women you could hope to see, especially the much missed Chasey Lain, the continuity editing is abysmal, the scenes look more like a staged photo shoot for Penthouse instead of women really getting into each other. With this cast I should have been through the roof, but instead I was mildly disappointed. See it for the beautiful women but only once.

My Rating: Play