Entertainment Network Hails U.S. Supreme Court’s Refusal to Hear VoyeurDorm.com Case


Source: Entertainment Network Inc.

By: Company Press Release

(TAMPA, FL) — Entertainment Network, Inc. today hailed the U.S. Supreme Court refusal to consider an appeal from city officials in Tampa, who have tried to shut down the company’s Website VoyeurDorm.com.

The highest court in the nation rejected the city’s appeal of earlier rulings that said zoning regulations do not apply to the dorm, where Web cameras follow the lives of female residents 24 hours a day.

David Marshlack, Chief Executive Officer of Entertainment Network, said: "We were confident all along that the Supreme Court would uphold our interests in this case. This is a victory for anyone operating a legitimate Internet site, whether or not it has adult content. It is obvious that the Internet should not be regulated under zoning laws written long before the Web was even dreamed of. For the city of Tampa to have prosecuted this case for so long has been a ridiculous waste of taxpayers’ dollars."

Tampa attorneys Luke Lirot and Mark Dolan, who have fought the legal battle against the city for more than two years, said in a statement: "We are very pleased the Court was able to step over the salacious obstacles the City of Tampa threw up over this case and that the justices looked instead at the important First Amendment issues instead of heeding arguments about sexual expression. This is a major victory not just for people involved in Websites dealing with sexual imagery, but also for anybody who uses the Internet to conduct business. Over the long term, justices are protecting the rights of far more people than those of us who were before the Court on this particular case."

About ENI: Tampa-based Entertainment Network, Inc. is a leading supplier of content for the Internet. In addition to Websites that reach consumers directly such as VoyeurDorm.com and DudeDorm.com, ENI operates Web hosting and development companies, including Neutelligent, Inc. And CandidHosting.com.


For more information or interviews with David Marshlack, attorneys and VoyeurDorm residents: Ellie Reeve, 212-338-0050, elliereeve@aol.com