Source: Pleasure Productions, Inc.
By: Company Press Release

(HIGHTSTOWN, NJ) — Pleasure Productions superstar contract girl, Gina Lynn, is fresh from her store signing down at Harrisonburg Virginia and remains the talk of the town.
After a successful store signing at sex World in Minnesota from February 1st to 3rd, Gina graced Harrisonburg for another scheduled store signing at the Hole in the Wall last weekend, February 16th. She was warmly welcomed by the locals who flocked to the local adult video store to meet her and have pictures taken with her. The store, which measures about 1000 sq. ft in space, was packed! The line stretched out the door and wrapped all the way around the next street corner. In fact, there was such a commotion that it attracted local press and radio stations to send out reporters to check out the action.
Ralph, the owner of Hole in the Wall, says it is his first store signing and he was surprised at the turnout. Although he did advertise the event a month before, he did not realize it was the buzz of the town. People were dropping by a week or two before just to confirm the signing was still on! I sold out of Gina Lynn product and only wish I had ordered more! I had no idea that many people actually lived in Harrisonburg! he continues.
Gina started the store signing at 4pm and stayed until the line ended. She ended up being there for more than 7 hours. She was a real trooper! She just loves her fans and was very excited at the positive response she got from them. Look out for more Gina at your local area. She continues to feature dance all over the country and has several other store signings scheduled in the upcoming months! says Pleasure Publicist, Mitch Mitchell.
Pleasure Productions is a major force in the adult video industry. It has been providing quality content to consumers for over 15 years and boasts a collection of over 5,000 active titles. When people want choice, they think Pleasure. Visit them at and or call 1-800-999-2483.