One if by Land! Two if by Sea!


Source: Letters to the Editor, Editorial Comment

By: Thomas Zupko, Extreme Associates

(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA) — Revolutionary XXX Porn Company will Dump Ashcroft’s Hypocrisy Right Into the Boston–err… make that, Santa Monica-Harbor!

Last night, the tabloid television show Frontline aired an episode entitled “American Porn” over public television. The primary focus of this subjective episode was to examine the recent explosion of sexually explicit material, which has embedded itself into the fabric of our society. However, there was an agenda behind this episode clearly designed to castigate and criticize those adult companies who refuse to make the generic porn but prefer to create films based on artistic merit and creative expression of those who produce it.

The Frontline piece attempted to create a climate of fear among the adult industry with ‘doom and gloom’ forecasts with visions of subpoenas, indictments and obscenity charges by the American judicial system. In fact, it was clearly stipulated that Attorney General John Ashcroft was about to embark on a full throttle campaign to annihilate the sex trade only to curtail it due to a certain September 11th event. Presumably, national security and public safety were higher on the agenda than consenting adults watching videos from the privacy of their own homes.

Extreme Associates will not fall into a trap where our movie making vision is inextricably altered or curtailed. All these ‘Chicken Little’ adult companies with their ‘sky is falling’ attitude should quit the business if they are too afraid to stick up for their 1st Amendment Rights which clearly stipulates “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech … and expression.” While other adult companies are terrified by the Frontline episode, Extreme Associates will take a public stand and fully support the sexually explicit products we produce. And we will put our money where our mouths are. We are prepared to defend ourselves and our product in front of any judge or jury. After all, the freedom to dissent is as American as apple pie.

We don’t create the same, tired ‘bored housewife’ stories readily available in approximately 90% of the adult films currently produced. We produce consumer-driven videos with dark overtones examining our society and questioning our moral values. Our videos may have rape angles, incest angles, domination angles, and subjugation angles; however, the actors and actresses in our videos are consensual adults who know precisely their roles beforehand.

We don’t attempt to mislead and we don’t hide from our products. In fact, we are proud of the videos we produce because we are committed to the First Amendment and allow our products to speak for themselves.

Representatives of Extreme Associates are committed to a full, healthy forum for debate and discussion with regards to the arguments expressed by the Frontline episode. Potential subject matters for discussion include the recent explosion of American pornography, legal ramifications, and the future of adult entertainment.

We stand by our product and we believe in our vision. And we will fight for our right to produce videos the way we deem fit.

For a better understanding of who and what we are, please visit our website at

For More Information Please Contact Wanker Wang, Thomas Zupko, Kevin Kleinrock, or Gene Ross @ 818-755-8757

God Bless America!

Thomas Zupko