Amateur Masters Live to Tackle the STD Debate Wednesday


Source: Amateur Masters Live

By: Company Press Rlease

(PALM SPRINGS, CA) — Amateur Masters Live, a web radio show for and about the amateur niche market, will be discussing STDs and their place in the amateur segment when host Chef Jeff has Sharon Mitchell of Aim as a guest this Wednesday January 30th.

The STD debate has been a topic on many of the amateur market message boards as of late and there has been some discussion recently among amateurs about the reliability of the PCR/DNA testing of which Mitchell is an advocate. Amateur web girls are not all in agreement about what steps they can and should take to protect themselves as much as possible from an STD infection. The show is co-hosted by Rick Meunyong of and will also feature Nina Marachino from as a special guest host and Lincoln from

“The time has come to address the STD issue.” Says Chef Jeff, “it would be very unfortunate for anyone in the amateur market to contract any STD if it can somehow be prevented.” He went onto say that the most important step is to start a dialogue and to encourage debate about the issue amongst amateurs in the industry. "It just seems like too many people are ignoring the issue as if it somehow doesn’t pertain to them. It’s time to change that." He concluded.

Amateur Masters Live can be heard live every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 6:00pm Pacific standard Time and streaming archives of all the past shows can be accessed 24 hours a day at