A Corporate and Tax Strategy Seminar for Adult Webmasters


Source: YNOTMasters.com/AdultInternetLaw.com

By: Company Press Release

(SAN DIEGO, CA) — As the first installment of an ongoing seminar series, YNOTMasters.com and AdultInternetLaw.com will be hosting a seminar for Adult Internet Webmasters entitled “Corporate and Tax Strategies for the Adult Internet Industry”.

The seminar will take place at 1:00 pm on February 13, 2002, at the Ynot offices in San Diego. Both new and established adult Internet business owners are encouraged to attend. All attendees must reserve a seat in advance, as space is limited.

The use of corporations in the adult Internet arena is a severely misunderstood topic. Webmasters will learn the fundamental uses of a corporation as applied to the adult Internet industry. Individuals attending the seminar will also learn methods for using corporations to protect silent partners and investors, create additional protection from media scrutiny, and protect profitable businesses from new ventures. Webmasters will also be permitted to submit questions to be answered at the seminar.

Due to its significance to the adult Internet industry, the issue of tax strategy will be covered at length. Webmasters earning any amount of income from their businesses will benefit from learning various methods for reducing taxes through the implementation of a variety of tax strategies. For those webmasters making a net profit of over $100,000 a year, advanced strategies that can significantly reduce or completely eliminate taxes will be presented.

Richard Chapo, J.D. will be the lead speaker at this seminar. Richard has presented seminars in both the adult Internet and financial industries. As the lead attorney for AdultInternetLaw.com, Mr. Chapo has spoken before audiences in both the United States and Russia on many occasions, including making presentations at the last two Internext conventions. A graduate of California Western School of Law, Mr. Chapo has been a licensed attorney practicing corporate law in California since 1992. He practices in the fields of adult entertainment, corporate, and tax law. Other speakers will be announced.

Seminar Information:

February 13, 2002 – 1:00 pm

Ynot Network, LP

350 West Ash Street, Suite 650

San Diego, California 92101

Seats must be reserved in advance by contacting adultlaw@yahoo.com. Presented by YNOTMasters.com and AdultInternetLaw.com. Questions regarding this seminar may be directed to Richard Chapo at adultlaw@yahoo.com.