Source: Adult Industry News
By: KellyFire

I have recently started to work on feature type projects and am blown away that repeatedly, the male talent chosen are muscle-bound, body-hairless action figure look-alikes that hardly resemble your average man. I asked why this is and was told that this is what a woman wants to see. Oh… Really…???
It seems that because men by and large are the principle producers and writers of adult movies and that since men are attracted to looks first and the rest of the package as an after thought, the prevailing assumption is that women work the same way. The features are made more for women and couples to enjoy together. But the reason that women want a story line isn’t so much for the story as it is for the character development. Women are first attracted to the person and secondly look for something physical. The simple truth is that women give sex to get love, while men give love to get sex.
I am not attracted to guys who spend all day working out at the gym or in a beauty salon. I like a geeky computer guy who can have an intelligent conversation. I love a guy whose muscles are coupled with a spare tire, someone who is strong from hard work and can enjoy a good meal (I like to cook for people; nothing is more insulting than not having my cooking appreciated). And mostly I want a guy who can make me laugh, to that effect Drew Carey is Sexy!!!
[To read the rest of KellyFire’s article please go to her website linked below]