Backstage With All Nude Sports


Source: AEBN

By: Jo Hawke

Personalities & Technicalities…

"I want to bring the two things that men like most together: Sports and Nude Women," said Scott Coffman, CEO of AEBN, ‘Adult Entertainment Broadcasting Network’. This is how he formed the initial idea for ‘All Nude Sports’.

In the heart of AEBN Corporate Headquarters sits an enclosed studio. The walls and ceiling of the hidden studio are painted a flat black. Light blazes down from theater lamps onto the back and floor of the day-glow blue stage. Snug by one corner sits a lonely desk with a computer-rigged teleprompter. Just within the double-door entrance of the studio sit the desks for the sound boards and master computers that record and edit what has become the newest internet sensation: ‘All Nude Sports’, the first All Nude Daily Sports Show, broadcast world wide over the internet.

"We were the first to blend sports and adult content," said Brad Ziel, Executive Producer for ‘All Nude Sports’. Brad Ziel took Scott Coffman’s concept of ‘All Nude Sports’ and ran with it.

"Locating someone as talented as Everett Hartsoe for filming director was a major component toward bringing the whole ‘All Nude Sports’ project into focus," said Mr. Ziel.

"When I was approached with the offer to direct for ‘All Nude Sports’, I felt that the combination of Sports and Nude women was a ‘No Lose’ situation," said Everett Hartsoe, Director and lead writer for All Nude Sports. "I really like working on the set. I get to control almost every aspect from the written comedic conception of the individual skits and direction of the ladies to the actual filming itself."

Everett Hartsoe, the man behind the camera, went on to say: "I feel that my offbeat sense of humor, (and my personal perversions,) blend well with the driving view of the show."

"When we began to develop the idea of ‘All Nude Sports’," said Mikael Fritts, Film Editor and Post-Production Supervisor, "The first thing I realized, was that the most important piece of the puzzle would be the technology; especially the use of the Blue-Screen and digital video. When we key the screen out, (remove the blue in the filmed piece and replace it with another backdrop,) we get better results then when mainstream Hollywood films did it, fifteen years ago. And they were using equipment that cost them almost triple what ours cost today. That alone makes me grin every time."

" Finding places to clip the microphones on naked bodies…" was the toughest challenge, according to Scott Morgan, All Nude Sports Sound Engineer. "The most cost effective option for us was to go with wireless lavalieres."

Another sound challenge for the production staff is that the studio is located in the very center of AEBN’s corporate headquarters.

"We are filming!" broadcasts from the intercom system.

"The equipment is very sensitive and picks up everything," said Director, Everett Hartsoe with a heavy sigh.

"It’s a daily challenge to get the best sound levels in some of the wacky situations that we shoot… but I enjoy it all!" added Sound Engineer, Scott Morgan.

"I get to work both ends of the camera," said Joanna Wermter, Actress and Production Associate for ‘All Nude Sports’. "I’m breaking into the writing aspect as well as the photography and filming part of the business: handling props, staging and helping to coach the ladies. I have the best of both worlds."

"Every day I get to come to work and put myself into different personalities," said Julie Robbins one of the actresses for ‘All Nude Sports’ as she brushed back her blond hair and smiled. "I get to explore many erotic forms. I can be the biggest slut or the classiest lady and it’s all fun!"

Autumn Twilight, more commonly portrayed as the Dominatrix of All Nude Sports, looked out from under her long, curling red tresses. "I love being able to add in my own personal, slightly twisted, flavor to All Nude Sports." She grinned from her chair. "Here, I have the freedom to be flexible."

"Every day is like a party," said Director Everett Hartsoe. "I’d like to do something more controversial with the show, but that’s later on down the line." Mused Everett, "…as soon as they take the handcuffs off," he finished with a grin.

The ladies of ‘All Nude Sports’ all agree: "It’s more like playing than actually working."

"For me it’s work – hard work." Mikael Fritts, Editor and Director of Photography for ‘All Nude Sports’, rolled his eyes behind his heavily equipped desk. "We’re using Top-of-the-line Digital video cameras and an editing system that could power a small city." He was under a time limit; the filming for the day had just ended and it was his job to polish the fresh film for immediate broadcasting.

"I have the responsibility everyday to shoot the show, and then run to the edit bay and piece it together," Mikael Fritts continued even as his fingers flew across the keyboard. "I’m always under a constant deadline. It is a challenge – a challenge I gladly undertake everyday."

"Come watch the show!" laughs Scott Coffman, CEO of AEBN. "We need the money!"

Doing it NUDE, Under the Spotlight…

Back in the brightly lit dressing room with Brandi Newman, Tabitha Stevens, Joanna and Julie Robbins, all the ladies kick back after a day in front of the cameras. Relaxing in their dressing robes and leopard-print fuzzy slippers they tell it like it is; working on the set of ‘All Nude Sports’.

Brandi jump-starts her day with a cup of coffee, snatching up her hairdryer, hairspray, her 5-inch pumps, and her tote bag then a dash to the car. Julie flies out of the house, loads her car, starts her engine then turns up her car radio full blast. Joanna leaps out of the shower grabs her bag and dashes to the car. All three ladies do battle with early morning traffic with Joanna taking a detour to a local fast-food joint for a quick breakfast.

All the ladies hustle into the dressing room for a morning free-for-all in front of the mirrors. They want to be fresh and beautiful for their daily shoot with ‘All Nude Sports’.

Joanna Wermter, Production Associate for ‘All Nude Sports’ assists the ladies in the mornings with their make-up and costumes, then fights with the computer connected with the teleprompter, setting up the type-written monologues. Back and forth the ladies run through their lines before Joanna and her teleprompter.

"We do Sports News, Scores and Odds. That’s the actual work," Brandi said.

"It was really hard at first, to say the news and strip and be sexy all at the same time," Julie added. "Then after doing all the news and stuff, we get to do comedy skits and commercials." The ladies agreed that doing the comedy skits is the most fun.

Everett Hartsoe, Director of ‘All Nude Sports’ calls out the scenes and the ladies scheduled to do them. Scott Morgan rigs the ladies for sound then Mikael Fritts, Director of Photography, Editor and Post-Production Supervisor of ‘All Nude Sports’ gets behind the camera. The lights are positioned and it’s: "All Quiet On The Set."

"Everybody be quiet – they’re filming!" the intercom system of AEBN corporate headquarters blares out.

"Back when I was the AEBN receptionist, " Joanna, the Production Associate, tells us, "Mikael Fritts called my desk and told me: ‘Tell everybody to shut the f*ck up!’ Joanna laughed. "So I did! ‘Okay everybody,’ I said over the loudspeaker, ‘I was told to tell everybody to shut the f*ck up!"

"Hey, I remember that!" Julie pipes up. The other ladies laughed.

"One time we couldn’t figure out who still had their radio on…" said Tabitha.

"Yeah, we wanted to know who was playing the rodeo music," Julie smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Well," Tabitha went on to say, "I ran through the corporate offices and cubes in my short, lavender robe and my slippers. I about went through the entire building in just my robe and fuzzy, leopard slippers without a stitch on underneath, before I found out who had the radio and got them to turn it off."

"Oh, yeah, each of us gets our own pair of fuzzy leopard-print slippers," Brandi said with a cheeky grin. "It’s one of the perks here at ‘All Nude Sports’."

For lunch they pile into a car and high-tail it to their favorite stripper joint, right down the street.

"We just can’t get enough pretty women!" piped up Julie. The other ladies joined in on her opinion. Hinting that perhaps some of those lesbian acts they do on film didn’t take all that much acting.

Julie Robbin’s favorite comedy piece was called; ‘Tug of Whore’ that she and Julia Sparks did together. It all started with a long double-ended dildo that they each grabbed an end of and pulled…

"I won the ‘Tug of Whore’ fight and I got a tiara," grinned Julie. "Well Julia grabbed the tiara off my head and we got into a big cat-fight over the tiara. I couldn’t get the tiara back so I grabbed her hair, well Julia Sparks wears a dark wig," Julie giggled. "I just yanked it right off her head – and she’s a blonde!"

"My favorite piece," says Brandi Newman, "was the bit about the football player that got caught with 200 pounds of pot. To do the skit, I got to take a hit on this huge joint in front of the world! Smoke was everywhere. What was so funny was that the joint was really just this huge roll of paper and a fog machine."

Joanna Wermter’s personal favorite was the ‘Buffy’ skit. "This is where she does this cheerleading camp monologue about the pussy-pile…" Sterling Chastain starred with Tabitha Stevens in that piece, and Joanna wrote it. "It came out really great and there will be more."

After filming the ladies get to peek over Mikael Fritts shoulder and watch some of his editing wizardry.

"We don’t get to play with Mikael Fritts," the ladies sighed. "He’s really quiet and really busy – too busy pushing buttons," grumped one of the ladies. "He really busts his ass," all the ladies agreed. They also agree that he really knows his stuff.

After filming the ladies get dressed and pack up to go home. Joanna gets the glory of clean up.

"It’s not so bad, the ladies are usually pretty good about picking up after themselves," said Joanna.

"One night," Julie confided, "I went into the dressing-room after filming. Brook and Malaise cut out the lights and attacked me!" she said with wide eyes. "Then," Julie winked and gave a cheeky grin, "…we all went to town for about an hour!" She rolled her eyes dramatically. "Yeah, it was a real tickle-fest!" she said with a wink.

Odds and Ends…

"All my effort is going into making ‘All Nude Sports’ a success," says Scott Coffman, AEBN CEO and creator of ‘All Nude Sports’. "If we can entertain our customers with hot nude chicks, sports related news and wrap it all in a comedy setting then I feel, we have accomplished our goal."

"The tremendous reaction to ‘All Nude Sports’ by viewers, advertisers, and news agencies from around the world has been a little overwhelming, but very, very nice." remarks Brad Ziel, Executive Producer of All Nude Sports.

"It’s a little hard to believe," Brad continues, "but what was only an idea just a few months ago has been transformed into a huge success through the efforts and hard work of everyone involved. We’ve proven beyond a doubt that adult programming is in great demand by millions of people from around the world, and looking into the future we see nothing but growth and opportunity for ‘All Nude Sports’."