Fawnia’s Showroom Review: The Fox Pub, BC Canada


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Fawnia Mondey

Fawnia Mondey

On fire! ‘The Fox’ pub, at the Red Lion Inn was always busy, and had the most loyal customers who could drink more then any other group seen in a strip club! How do I know? Ask the waitresses at Montys, the strip club downtown, who are now ringing in more sales then they ever have [because of the fire].

Early morning on Nov 6th, 2001, the entire Fox pub was in flames, not to mention the cold beer & wine store, hotel restaurant and lounge, kitchen, lobby, and a portion of the hotel. All of which underwent extensive renovations this past summer. Their updated look brought their new site www.redlioninn.bc.ca/

In business since the early 70’s ‘The Fox’ was a landmark in BC for the exotic dance industry. Top entertainers such as “Jane Jones”, who toured with a crew of four, her own lasers worth $50,000.-, and tiger, brought endless business giving the Fox a history of classy performers.

Their clientele ranged from 19 – 60, and most were hard working blue-collar men, who enjoyed drinking, playing pool, watching sports, drinking, women, and more drinking. They held weekly contests for amateurs, giving the local women a shot at working the stage. Having a bar manager who was as nice as a prince helped the Fox earn their honest reputation, and this made advertising for rookies a breeze. Judging one of their main events I saw how much comradely existed between everyone. The staff, dancers, and customers were one huge family, and they formed a scene where you couldn’t help but feel like you were witnessing a piece of “good ol’ stripping history”.

On a regular night, you would see six to eight different 18 minutes stage shows. The dancers were supplied from one of North America’s top agencies www.strippernet.com/ and all gave it their best to please their audience. Even though you wouldn’t be approached for a private dance (stage shows only), I’m sure you would be content with their exotic dancers.

If you are in the British Columbia area during the winter of 2002, make your way to the Fox Pub in Victoria. You’ll enjoy the fantastic view that we Victorians have been soaking up for over 25 years, and it will be hotter then ever with their new club [once it is completed]!