Source: Cords Unlimited Inc.
By: Company Press Release

(TOKYO, JAPAN) — Steve Bisyak, president of Cords Unlimited Inc. and inventor of “weightless sex” was awarded the Bronze Medal at the 15th annual “World Genius Convention”, held annually in Tokyo, Japan.
Steve and his brainchild, “The Bungee Sexperience tm”, the patented “state of the art” weightless sex swing, received this most recent mainstream award on November 9th, 2001. This unique device has also received “Best Invention of the Americas”, “Outstanding Achievement Award” and a silver medal in “Medical” in recent years at INPEX, the world’s largest invention show.
“The World Genius Convention”, held in Tokyo Station in the heart of Japan’s business and finance center, is attended by over three million visitors. Sixty six inventors, by invitation only, presented their inventions this past week. Mr. Bisyak was the invited guest of Dr. Yoshiro NakaMats. Dr. NakaMats is historically the world’s most prolific inventor, with over 3,000 inventions to his credit, including the floppy disk. Better known to the Adult industry, perhaps, is his “Love Jet” a spray on Viagra substitute for women and men.
Steve and tradeshow darling, spokesmodel Miss Fyre, ( also engaged in business presentations with Japanese notables arranged by Dr. NakaMats with “extremely positive response,” Steve relates.
Steve further impressed his hosts and business associates with a demonstration of extreme body piercing at their request. His ventures as Guinness World Record Holder for fire walking and other amazing “mind over matter” accomplishments preceded his arrival in Japan. Of course, Miss Fyre’s impressive measurements, platinum blonde hair and charming manner were equally appreciated!
“Miss Fyre and I were completely impressed with the incredible hospitality of our hosts and the Japanese people,” Steve relates in his unique enthusiastic manner. “We were treated with the utmost respect and honor everywhere we went. The “VIP” treatment we received and the notables we met made this an experience I am looking forward to repeating as business continues to progress.”
Bisyak, his BungeeSexperience tm and Miss Fyre also appeared on Japanese television and were heavily profiled by the Japanese press media, adding to his mainstream and adult credits which include “Playboy TV”, “HBO Real Sex”, “The Tonight Show”, and many others in the US, Canada and internationally.
Contact: Steve Bisyak
360-372-2568 fax
Miss Fyre