KellyFire Keeps It Real: Swingers, Pornstars and Recreational Sex


Source: Adult Industry News

By: KellyFire


I was a swinger before I ever ventured into the world of porn. For a complete bisexual, the swinging community offered me a chance to experience both men and women sexually, simultaneously even. However it is becoming obvious that the regular swinging community is not entirely comfortable with the idea of the inclusion of the Pornstar.

Recently I was banned from a DALNET chat channel called #swingers. The only excuse they gave for the ban was that my quit message, when I would log off, included my website URL. Additionally, I was recently asked to travel 3 hours to a swinger’s party, where the night’s entertainment would be the live production of an adult video. My “invite” to the party was to end after 3 hours and I was to drive another 3 hours home. Some party. When I contacted these people to confirm details I was told that the filming was not a definite, as they had no immediate plans to market. Hell, I was not even to phone them at their home number for fear some non-swinging friend would know they were talking to me. Furthermore, I was given specific directions, so that I might come and go unseen by the back door. Now I am not a prostitute, hate being treated as such, and I only perform when there is a product resulting. As well, originally the entertainment was supposed to be three girls and six guys, they had decided without telling me, that the third female would not be necessary. I only knew two people who were to be in attendance, and I never do gang bangs, so I was insulted in more ways than you can imagine.

I still swing in the basic sense, but I confine my activities to other industry people. We are all regularly tested for STDs, and are very conscientious about cleanliness. As well, no Porner wants to keep secret who they have been “playing” with. In all actuality playtime usually leads to working together. But when Pornstars take their play in front of the cameras, the real chemistry and passion comes across as a better product for the consumer, who ironically is often the swinger.

I see sex as purely recreational. I don’t feel that I am being paid for sex, but rather that I am compensated for the use of my image for promotion and profit. After all, I’d be having sex anyway. I just enable more people to share in the experience by letting it be filmed.

The attitude that I have been receiving from the swinger’s community is sad. I got into this business after maturing sexually from my experiences as a swinger. Swingers make up my closest friends, and swingers are also a huge portion of my fans. I haven’t turned my back on them but I feel that they have abandoned me. I may be wrong, and would love to be shown otherwise.

[You can contact KellyFire through her website at the link below. -Ed.]