Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Encina aka Evil Barbee

Dearest Mr. Editor,
I don’t want to get off (hee, hee, hee!) on a rant here, but I would like to take a moment of time to express an opinion of mine to you and your readers.
Being in the Adult Industry both in video and in nightclubs I have observed a few things, and not all sit right with my psyche. Personally, I think that there should be an age limit to those entering the Industry. In my opinion the talent just beginning in the business should be required to be at least 21 years old. I know that many would not agree with me, however, 18 is not old enough to make the judgement calls required in this field of work and they do not have fully developed sexual desire or senses. By law they are only one or two years over the age of consent and therefore have not had enough time (legally) to develop an adult sexual being in themselves.
Their innocence in our adult world makes them very popular. The reason for this is the predator factor. I do not agree with the catering to these predators in the Adult Industry that I have seen. Any middle aged or old man that wishes to see an 18 – 20 year old girl that may look even younger than that in a plaid skirt, or other youthful garb in a sexual situation with an “older guy ” has the predator potential. These men watching the videos made usually have teenage daughters or their friends and co-workers do.
The girls in these “movies” have not got the sexual experience in their lives to understand what they are making, and do not enjoy yet the full benefits of a sexual life. They do not have the sexual drive yet to truly enjoy what they are doing. The only reason for their starring in such films is for the money. Even for those over the age of 21, no matter what the age, money is completely the wrong reason for entering this career field. This is not a statement that is pro-censorship. This is for the emotional stability of our children that are on the edge of adulthood. In our youth is when we develop our opinions and our methods of how we are going to live our lives. 18-20 year olds are very vulnerable to all kinds of abuse and at that point there is not enough life experience to expect some of the situations that is thrown our way occaisionally.
Perhaps people should stop and think what the effects upon our teenage children’s minds and personalities are or will be. I don’t know of many 18 year old girls that would actually enjoy having a shoot with someone like Max Hardcore, especially since it would be one of their first. Nothing personally against Max, but I certainly would not want him to be an experience for me at that young juicy age. Let the kids be kids, and let the adults be adults, please.
Pedophiles are bad… I may be wrong, but that’s just my opinion.
Lustfully Yours,