Haunted House Warns Teens of Unsafe Sex


Source: Independant for Adult Industry News

By: Rick C. Limpert

(NASHVILLE, TN) — While most teenagers have outgrown their fear of witches, ghosts and goblins, Nashville heath officials want to call teens attention to something more scarier; sexually transmitted diseases.

The STD Free Haunted House is open for its third Halloween run. As visitors make their way through the dimly lit house they view full-color pictures of genital warts and canker sores. They also see depictions of male and female genitailia infected with syphilis, clamydia and gonorrhea.

One of the organizers of the house says the goal of the house is “to scare their pants back on.” As the guests leave the house they see an empty casket; a message to those of what could happen if they don’t practice safe sex. Last year more than 1,600 visited the house, with more expected this year. In addition, haunted house visitors are given a “goody bag” containing STD literature, and have an option to get an STD test if they want.

Rick C. Limpert is the president of SBC Photography (www.sbcphotog.com) and the Spring Break Girls website (www.springbreak.5u.com). He covers Atlanta and the Southeast for AINews.com. His e-mail is sbcphotog@aol.com.