Letter to the Editor From Nicole Moore


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Nicole Moore

Nicole Moore

Hi Steve,

Can you run this for me?

Shock, disbelieve, horror, pain, agony, sadness, anger, these are the thoughts that come into mind when I hear or see the horrific and terrible actions that took place on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. My heart and sorrow goes out to the families and friend of those who lost their precious lives as a result of the inhuman actions taken by a group of terrorists last week.

Every time I think of this horrible, horrible crime, every time I see and hear the people talk about their phone conversations with the one they lost, I burst out with tears. Every time I hear the stories of the people who were late that morning, only to find out that they were the lucky ones and their punctual coworkers, or their whole entire company, was wiped out almost instantly, I can’t help it but cry with them. Why did this terrible incident had to happen? Why did they have to take the lives of innocent people? Why did they have to destroy and destruct? These animals and their leaders should not be allowed to live in our society, our world. Their leaders are nothing but COWARDS! They breed these young men to go on a so-called holly war and kill the innocent, while they are in hiding, underground, putting other nations at risk.

These terrorists should pay for what they did. We must carefully track them all over the world, find them and destroy them! But we must be careful not to destroy the innocent. Although, at one point, these animals were innocent and pure infants who were breed and programmed to hate, kill and destroy. Their education from day one is how to fight and eradicate as their mission for God. Their soul purpose is to murder and destroy no matter what is the price, even if it’s meant to take their own lives in accomplishing what they are ordered to do. What kind of a holly religious God will order such a horrible act? These growing population should no be allowed to create new lives…as they only will grow-up to be terrorist and go on a suicide mission in order to eliminate us…We must stop this kind of behavior, we must stop any more blood shed in our country and throughout the world.

Growing up in Israel, during wars, can be very frightening to anyone especially the young ones. All you want is to live in peace, but if your neighbors want to destroy you so they can have your tiny little country, you always have to be on guard. Now, they went a step farther by wanting to take over the strongest country in the world, America. Do they really think they can do it? Do they really think that the world will sit quietly watching it happen? NO! Unfortunately, they gave us an awful wakeup call that backed fired in their faces, this horrendous action united our country and made us stronger, as the world sits besides us with compassion, sorrow and great support. Ironically, while I was living in New York, I never had the chance or the need to go to the Twin Towers, but I was always amazed by the size and magnitude. Now…it’s a huge empty gap in the heart of the city reminding us on a daily basis, that horrible crime inflicted upon us by a group of wicked people. We often take things or people for granted and when we realize it, some times it’s too late. So, be more thoughtful of one another, be kind, loving and never forget…Let us pray for peace and happiness throughout the world as UNITED WE STAND! May God bless us all for a better today and a greater tomorrow!

With deepest sympathy and great sorrow,

Nicole Moore