Gold Club Trial Ends in Acquittals for Final Two


Source: Independent for AINews

By: Rick C. Limpert

(ATLANTA, GA) — The Gold Club trial ended its four-month run in Atlanta Federal Court with a thud late last week.

Jury deliberations ended with the remaining two defendants, Michael DiLeonardo and retired Atlanta police officer Reginald Burney, walking.

In what was supposed to be a trial about organized crime, the trial provided plenty of adult themed testimony, but the jury "spoke clearly and loudly" contended former Gold Club owner Steven Kaplan’s attorney, Steve Sadow.

The prosecution was claiming minor victory after the trial since five of the defendants pleaded earlier, and the Gold Club property was turned over to the government. Maybe flamboyant Atlanta attorney Bruce Harvey summed it up best by calling the trial " a tremendous waste of government resources." Burney and DiLeonardo had no immediate comment following the decision.

About Rick C. Limpert:

Rick C. Limpert is the owner of SBC Photography in Atlanta ( and the Spring Break Girls website ( He covered the Gold Club trial for and events in the Southeast and across the nation.