Bad Puppies Love to Play Games


Source: Adult Web Games

By: Company Press Release

Badpuppy, the leader in Gay and Lesbian online services, has entered into an exclusive partnership with Adult Web Games, the leader in adult online game content, to create the worlds first online gay games content site:

Gay Web Games

Adult Web Games officially launches after months of behind the scenes scripting and design work have been completed. In this partnership Badpuppy is supplying their exclusive content to be integrated into the games that are designed by Adult Web Games. The games have been created using the latest in Flash/Shockwave technologies. The initial game offerings include over 15 different interactive games, which can be accessed and played by pay site members of Gay Web Game’s clientele. Gay Web Games clients will see new Badpuppy photos swapped out every month on the games. Lisa Turner, CEO assistant of Badpuppy commented, "I was asked to beta test these games personally and all I can say is ‘Wow!’ I am totally addicted to these games myself."

"We are excited about this launch. Finally we will be able to bring to the Gay niche market what we have been able to successfully bring to our clients that run hetero sites," states Paul M. Games, owner of After Hours Media which runs both Adult Web Games and Gay Web Games content sites.

"Fun, interactive, all the good qualities to increase retention," raves Melissa Davies, President of and

"It only made since for the number one online gay site in the world and the number one online adult game content service to partner together in a unique venture like this."

With this launch Gay Web Games is offering one full free month of their content to any gay oriented pay sites, so they can have the ability to test drive the new interactive content at now risk. Webmasters can visit the site and request for a free demo of their content.