Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Nina Whett

Well, not quite but this will do! I think that it’s great that Luke Ford is quitting the Biz. I never could take him seriously anyway.
He’s always been the “Enquirer” of porn and I’m afraid that’s not really saying much. Aside from hurting people’s feelings, pissing people off and making a joke of serious news….WHAT has he done for the business let alone society?
He was never a real reporter. He never checked his facts – he didn’t care! He’s a joke! And he’s also one big Sinner! “How well did you do Luke on fighting those urges?” Well, I’m NOT a religious person but if I was, I certainly wouldn’t be involved in the Adult Entertainment Industry! Now, there’s two things that just don’t mix – Religion and Porn.
Some do push the envelope within the Adult Community when it comes to religious and sexual content. It’s a free country. However, I personally don’t want to disrespect someone’s beliefs. Nor do I think it’s right to make money off of printing bogus stories about people, but hey, that’s just me! “Good night sweet Prince”. We won’t miss you! Good luck to the new owners of and I’m sure you can live up to the name.
Nina Whett