Atlanta’s Love Shack Store Protested Again By Neighbors


Source: Independent for AINews

By: Rick C. Limpert

Love Shack Store Protest

(ATLANTA, GA) — The newest location of John Cornetta’s chain of video stores survived another round of protests on Saturday. The store located on a major highway in a large business district in Norcoss, GA, and has been picketed recently by neighbors and religious groups.

About 150 locals carrying multicolored signs walked back and forth around the perimeter of the club. Some people were sporting digital cameras taking pictures of the license plates and faces of the patrons and people supporting the cause of the store. Coincidently many of the protesting wore PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) t-shirts. The Love Shack provided music and food and drink for any of the supporters and welcomed the protestors as well.

Rick C. Limpert is Atlanta based and is an independent contributor to AINews. He is the owner of SBC Photography ( and the Spring Break Girls websites ( Contact him at