Source: AINews
By: Charlie Latour

In a recent interview, one of the most intelligent men in the Adult Industry, Mr. Bill Margold made the statement that porn numbs the senses. Such statements are not widely viewed as helpful to the adult industry and bring about a symphony of objections from industry insiders, but the truth is that anything done to excess numbs the senses. This includes masturbation, viewing violence in movies and on TV, and a host of other sensory involvement activities.
Pornography can become numbing and lead to a reduced sex drive or a need to see more explicit or depraved acts. The only aspect that is not properly addressed is the fact that the numbness wears off as the stimulus is removed. For example, today in pornography there is a push among some for cruder and more explicit acts, such as fisting, urination and the like. These are not new acts. In fact, they have been filmed since the advent of the movie camera. But because they were deemed offensive and outside the protection of various free speech decisions by the courts they have come under great scrutiny.
Some say that the ultra-repetitive nature of adult films has caused this movement towards cruder and more potentially offensive acts. The arrest and trial of Adam Glasser (Seymore Butts) will test the limits of the law. Some have worried where this will all lead. Censorship and restrictions are cyclical and the Adult Industry has had a wonderful run the last few years, but the numbness has set in and the push to move farther into potentially offensive acts is gaining momentum. It will be met with resistance and possibly a legal setback.
The cycle will continue and hopefully the numbness will wear off, so we can resume our sexual freedoms. The key is to be open minded enough to accept the fact that porn is numbing, if used to excess. The driving force is not the sexual freedom of the masses and the sexual fulfillment of the individual, but the capital gains of the promoters.