Source: AINews
By: Charlie Latour

I want to thank Steve Nelson and the fine folks at Adult Industry News ( for giving me the opportunity to bring to you the Latour Letter. We are now in our eighth year and we have lived through some major changes. From our original newsletter format to a full color newspaper, then to a cyber-edition and now, after much trail and error, we have come home to the finest and most respected sites on the Web. We hope you enjoy the Latour Letter and urge you write me through at
What I promise NOT TO DO is: provide hype in place of substance, marketing in place of true knowledge, or attempt to compete with the websites that offer negative commentary. If I need to be negative about something or someone, I will always tell you why and never run with gossip, half-truths or exploitive material. Our society has become cruder and the social intercourse has been reduced to “gotcha” politics. I offer you an alternative. Not just a feel good storyline, but an actual positive truth telling that can help lift your attitude.
Porn is frequently the target of naysayers and negative people, including some who claim to be insiders; but all is not dark, all is not extremism, there is light, there are good people, there is a socially redeeming value to porn and I’m here to open the doors and let the sun shine in. You may not always agree with me (the power elite in the adult industry rarely does), but I will always defend your right to your opinion and I will respect you for it.
I am not the defender of freedom, as so many blowhard radio talkshow hosts claim as their mantle, nor am I bastion against the tide of censorship, as so many lawyers claim they are, but I am is a single star in the dark sky, along with millions of other stars offering light to see and a steadfast point from which to guide yourself. Where you go is up to you, but I will always be here.
Glad to be back with you and I’m proud to be part of the AINews family.