Source: Independant for AINews
By: Rose Garten

Last night I went to the grocery to pick up a few items, and strolled past the magazine rack to catch up on the latest articles. I grabbed a copy of Marie Claire with Catherine Zeta-Jones on the cover of the August 2001 issue and flipped through the pages while I stood in the checkout line. Some of the headlines that caught my eye were “Your looks, your body: What do men think?” and “SEX From Good to Great—What’s the Secret?”
After returning home I decided to research the pages and find some truth about beauty, relationships, and what makes each woman special. Then I turned to the REAL LIVES section on page 88, and read “The moment I decided to change my life.” The stories are about women that have changed their lives for the better. I was a bit surprised when I found—“A Playboy Playmate Turned Philanthropist.”
Ex-Playboy Playmate Susie Scott aka Susan Scott-Krabacher, age 37, is Founder and President of The Mercy and Sharing Foundation, that she established in 1996. At the age of 29 she discovered what she refers to as her “true-calling” in life, which happened after watching a disturbing documentary. The next morning she phoned an organization to ask what she could do to help orphaned children, and three weeks later she flew to Haiti for a month-long visit. Please pick up a copy of Marie Claire and read her extraordinary story. You may also visit or make a charitable contribution to The Mercy and Sharing Foundation through the website at the link below.
Thanks Susie for these inspiring words and proving that your husband was right to encourage you. Yes, you have “a lot more to offer than just a pretty face.” Your story offers hope! I applaud your efforts, your courage, and the fact that you’ve given so much, but most important—-your heart to these beautiful children. It’s another one of life’s greatest lessons! As the great poet WH Auden wrote: “Love each other or perish.”
X’s and O’s,
Rose Garten