Sex.Com Offers New Advertising Program



By: Company Press Release

(HOUSTON, TX) — announces the launch of a new advertising product that will allow virtually any qualified adult commerce website operator with an affiliate program to get a long term listing in the database.

Until recently, acquiring even limited advertising placement on had been reserved for high volume adult pay site operators. With Gary Kremen recently taking back lawful control of the site and his hiring Kaos Marketing, Inc. to manage and grow to it’s full potential, however, the tide has turned. According to "Traffic Dude", Sales Director for, "Our goal from the advertising and webmaster relations perspective is to offer a wide array of ad options so that all types of adult and non-adult companies, big and small, can benefit from the qualified, mostly type-in traffic that hits every day."

For the first time ever, is offering all adult affiliate program operators the chance to have as an active affiliate in their program. With a nominal one time set up charge and the issuance of an affiliate advertising agreement, management will agree to join your program and provide your site(s) with a guaranteed category-specific listing in the search engine that will remain active for up to two years. General Manager Daron "SEGuru" Babin states, "It’s a breakthrough advertising opportunity for the adult online industry that will produce real business and a sense of visibility from one of the most high-profile websites in the entire world without breaking the bank." Over the next several months, the size of the directory in terms of actual listings and available categories will be growing exponentially, so now is the time to get listed, while the directory is in its growth phase. For more information, please contact Traffic Dude at or on the web at is currently on the top-ten list of the most-visited adult Internet websites worldwide, and continues to provide excellent service to webmasters and the mainstream and adult Internet surfing public alike. With offices in San Francisco, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Diego, the site continues to grow daily since the domain name was returned to its rightful owner, Gary Kremen, in March 2001. For more information, please visit the site at