Expect More Gangster Testimony in Week Three of Gold Club Trial


Source: Independent for AINews

By: Rick C. Limpert

(ATLANTA, GA) — As week three begins Tuesday in the Gold Club/Steven Kaplan racketeering trial, look for prosecutors to continue their strategy of trotting thugs and Mafia heavies to the stand.

On last Thursday, John Givens, a mob torturer described torturing a man by slicing his nostrils and shoving a cigar up his nose. Givens will continue testimony as proceedings begin again Tuesday morning in Federal Court in Atlanta. While some experts and observers have called the prosecution’s strategy as "risky" it appears to be keeping the jurors attention.

Upcoming this week: admitted leg breaker Willie Marshall, and others. While previous testimony has included gory details of Givens slicing a man’s ear off, U.S. Attorney, Art Leach has said the parade of mob witnesses will continue, and he said by the end it should all tie together.

Rick C. Limpert

