Porn Stars Ejected From Shocked Cannes Hotel


Source: Reuters


(CANNES, France) — A Cannes hotel threw a team of porn stars out of its premises Tuesday, causing chaos on the resort’s famous La Croisette beachfront.

The scantily clad actresses had planned to use a reception room and terrace at the Noga Hilton to promote some of their latest productions, but hotel management said they had been kept in the dark about the true nature of the event.

“We do not want to have that sort of thing in our hotel,” one Hilton official said, declining to be named.

Police were called in to restore order outside the hotel where dozens of camera crews and crowds of onlookers had gathered to watch the spectacle, before the women left and went their separate ways.

International porn stars have become a regular side-show at the Cannes film festival, staging numerous promotional events culminating in a raunchy awards ceremony which pokes fun at the official Palme D’Or competition.

Their alternative Hot D’Or awards ceremony is due to go ahead as scheduled Wednesday night.