Mondoerotica Network – One Year On The Web


Source: Mondoerotica Network

By: Company Press Release

(UNITED KINGDOM) — The UK based adult search engine and directory, Mondoerotica Network, celebrates it’s first year on the Internet this month, (March 2001).

The site was set up to offer members of the adult web surfing community easy access to the best adult orientated sites on the net. With over 50 different categories in it’s database Mondoerotica is listing a wide variety of sites ranging from erotic and sensual poetry to mainstream commercial erotica. It is this diverse range of quality websites, presented on pages that are not overloaded with banner ads that has made Mondoerotica popular with it’s visitors, around 80,000 since it’s launch and rising rapidly.

‘There are a lot of adult sites on the net, says Mondoerotica Network founder, Paul Pacitti, but due to the overwhelming number of sites of this kind, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. Here at Mondoerotica I am trying to redress the balance and give surfers access to a greater variety of sites that are both informative and entertaining’.

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