Michael Davis is Gay!


Source: Davis Multi Media


(HOLLYWOOD, CA) — This just in from an e-mail sent to a third party: Michael Davis, publisher of Bold Magazine, in a bold move for himself comes out of the closet.


My work days start at 6am with the stock market, then over to my Encino office with the real estate, then noon to 8pm at Bold, then the gym, then girls if I’m up to it, get on my routine baby. It can kill most guys.

Not bad for the worlds youngest gay publisher out of the closet and Bold!!!!

Michael Davis, Publisher of yes BOLD. Check out this all new site. Another 30k went into it. Www.boldmagazine.com all free!

Oops I almost forgot check out my ex-girlfriend’s site. The second her site went up we broke up!? You mean she only was around to get into the May Issue of Bold and a free site? Wow! Ok, NEXT???


That’s Life,
