Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Nina Whett

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Michael Esposito, the executive producer of Gentleman Video Inc., gave money to producer, Ron Ellis to pay the Talent for working. Ellis bounced his personal checks to the Talent. As soon as Esposito found out what had happened he made arrangements to pay the talent out of his own pocket and is working on resolving it with the producer now.
Nina writes:
I just wanted to update my story about Ron Ellis and TeazeWorld Entertainment. First of all I did find out that the movie that I did was for Gentlemen Video and it was Ron Sullivan’s line. When I found out who it was really for I went down there to inform Michael Esposito that his Producer Ron Ellis stiffed me in hopes that he would make good on the bad check.
I had already gone to the District Attorney over this matter. I filed all of the necessary paper work including copies of everything I needed to prove it. Later I was going to take Ron Ellis to court.
Thankfully I didn’t have to wait for my money because Michael paid me the money that Ron Ellis owed me. Now I was pretty pissed and I know that I came across that way but I had every right to be upset. I would like to say that I really appreciate him doing that and I AM SORRY that I got so heated in his office that day.
We should all really be angry with Ron Ellis. He caused this whole mess. Michael not only had to pay out of his own pocket for me, he paid Mr. Marcus his money too as Ellis screwed him also.
There is one more thing that I would like to add for the Talent:
Ask if they can cash the check for you or tell them you want cash. If they have to give you a check get their CA ID or driver’s license number and write it on the check. Look at it too! Oh, and CALL THE BANK TO VERIFY FUNDS! The only reason why I didn’t do all of this with Ron Ellis’ check is that a good friend gave me their word that this guy was cool, so I’ve learned a lesson from this.
Thank you and Good luck to everybody,
Nina Whett