Top Adult Entertainer Prevails in Heated Domain Name Dispute


Source: Atlas Multimedia Inc.

By: Company Press Release

Stacy Valentine

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Stacy Valentine, a well-known female adult entertainer, was recently awarded a misspelling of her common-law trademark name (

“Going to The National Arbitration Forum ( was the best choice we could have made. Mediation was based on facts, and policies were followed,” said Keith Condon of Atlas Multimedia Inc. (Los Angeles), who prepared Valentine’s argument and represented her through the dispute.

Valentine was recently the subject of acclaimed PBS filmmaker Christine Fugate’s “Girl Next Door” movie, released last year in mainstream theaters across the United States.

What makes this dispute different is the fact that Valentine was fighting for a misspelling of her name. The “domain squatter” secured a domain name that was “confusingly similar,” said James Buchele, Panelist for the National Arbitration Forum.

When a new domain name is purchased through a registrar (i.e. Network Solutions, DirectNic, etc.) the purchaser agrees to a formal domain dispute policy ( as a condition of purchase. This policy is written and enforced by ICANN, the non-profit organization who sets policy functions previously performed under U.S. Government contract.

“Sometimes the courts are costly and time consuming, but if you follow the policy, you won’t need to `roll over’ and let the bad guys win,” said Condon.

The complete argument and decision can be viewed online at

Atlas Multimedia Inc. (Los Angeles), founded by Donald Osterholt in 1995, has long been known as a leader in Online Adult Entertainment. Atlas’ long list of clients includes many well known adult film actresses and video companies.