Naked Man Halts Parliament Over Refugees


Source: Reuters


(THE HAGUE) — A 35-year-old Iranian man stripped naked in the Dutch parliament on Tuesday to draw attention to the Netherlands’ refugee policy.

“You are killers,” the man shouted in English as he ran along the public balcony of the lower house in full view of television cameras, banging a wooden railing with his fist.

Parliament adjourned for several minutes while security officers removed the man, whom a parliament spokeswoman said had been an illegal alien in the Netherlands for the past seven years.

The man said his action was designed to demand “freedom for foreigners,” the spokeswoman said, adding that there were no related topics on the parliamentary agenda for the day.

The Dutch receive large numbers of asylum seekers from across the world each year, only a small percentage of whom are allowed citizenship. Large numbers of illegal aliens also stay in the Netherlands.