Source: Colin Malone

By: Company Press Release

Happy New Year. A lot happening here at the show, things are crazy but we’re having fun.

The show website is growing,, and we have some new PHOTO GALLERIES up for your review. The NEW MEMBERS SECTION is now up and running featuring over 1000 images from the show and from Colin’s interviews on PORN SETS. Fun photos from all the past episodes and HARDCORE stuff with your favorite porn stars too. You get a lot of great content for only $5.95 with no ongoing charges or fees. Check it out, look at some big tits and support the show.

The show is still being CENSORED BY ADELPHIA CABLE in West LA and Eagle Rock. Check out our website for the full story on this bad situation. They claim the show is obscene. What do you think?

GREAT NEWS – The show is coming to ALL OF LOS ANGELES on CHANNEL 31, KJLA!!! Starting in mid-February, the show will be on EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT FROM 11:30-MIDNIGHT on KJLA, Channel 31. If you live in Los Angeles, check your cable system for where KJLA can be found in your area. You can also get the show with a broadcast antenna, all across LA. We’re very excited. The first show will be the episode with ADAM CAROLLA & JIMMY KIMMEL with ASIA CARRERA so get ready.

You can always get all the UPDATED INFO ON COLIN’S SLEAZY FRIENDS, the greatest show on TV, at our Website -


Fred The Producer