Zoe is Back!


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Zoe


I wasn’t sure of the directions or context for the show so I called Adella on Friday and left a message, but she did not return my call. I tried reaching Tabetha Monday night, but only got the answering machine, the same with Tuesday when I had made my final attempt at about 2pm. At which time I tried to reach Adella again, but no luck. So I called another friend and told them I needed directions for the Tera Show and they said. “why, she’s not going to be there anyway – it’s probably cancelled or something”.

So after weeks of frustration with my roommate, working double hard in mainstream and adult and being treated badly on the Susan Block show – I decided “fuck it! I’ve had it!” and started driving 90 mph south with Motley Crue blaring. Next thing I know I’m at the border and slamming Absolute in Encinada.

They happen to be having a wet T shirt contest and so I decided to show them what it’s really all about. All was going well until the other girls started getting jealous seeing their boyfriends cheer more for me than for them and all hell broke loose back stage. Some guys tried to break up the fight and I smashed a bottle in some guy’s face. It wasn’t long after that the ‘Federals’ showed up and hauled me off to the pigeon hole they called a holding tank at about 1am.

Finally about 7am Wednesday morning they let me use the phone ONCE and all I could get was a busy signal when trying to reach my manager. They didn’t let me use the phone again until Wednesday night and they weren’t going to release me because someone wanted to press assault charges and I was considered a flight risk. They didn’t let me use the phone again until daybreak Thursday morning, but this time I tried to reach my roommate, but there was no answer.

Then about 8 o’clock Thursday night I got to call again and FINALLY Tabetha was home. She got in the car and headed down to help me out. After major bargaining and signing our lives away to guarantee that I would come back, they released me into my manager’s custody and we both returned this morning. I apologize to Tera Patrick and Adella O’ Neil for all the trouble and missing the show. Things have been really difficult for me lately and I never meant to miss the show as I know that she and Tabetha worked hard to promote me being there.

I also apologize to all of my true friends who called my manager and asked if I was okay, I didn’t mean to worry anyone, and I certainly didn’t mean to get stuck in Mexico!! I keep all my appearances as scheduled and always will – including Eros Station in Van Nuys tonight. Come down and see me!!


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