Wireless Porn – Does This Mean the End of the World is Near?


Source: PK Entertainment

By: Company Press Release

(BALTIMORE, MD) — It’s been a banner year for the wireless communications industry. Kathryn Hudson, President of the small Maryland adult entertainment company, PK Entertainment, didn’t want to be left out. "I wanted to be the first to put porn into the hands of PDA users, so I created portable adult content that could be downloaded to Palm Pilots and Pocket PCs as well as picked up with a wireless modem."

That’s how the highly successful web site, SinPalm.com (www.sinpalm.com), was born. Using AvantGo (www.avantgo.com), the premier mobile infrastructure software and services company, users can add the SinPalm channel to their PDA that is updated daily. Wireless users (like users of the popular Palm VII) must download a free Palm clipping application that allows them to surf to the site whenever they wish. The "little porn company that could" has over 10,000 members who visit their site on a daily basis. The free service doesn’t come without controversy.

A spirited debate ignited on a Palm information web site, Palm Power Magazine (www.palmpower.com/issues/issue200008/pplte0800002.html). Editor, David Gewirtz, weighed in on the subject, saying, "Frankly, I find it fascinating that porn has found handhelds. Historically, one of the first popularization’s of a mass medium has been via adult material (VCRs are one such example). We’ve just recently begun seeing a few adult-related handheld sites, which further indicates the mainstreaming of handheld devices such as the Palm organizer."

Time Digital Magazine, the newest offering from the Time-Warner Corporation, finds the whole idea of "pocket porn" amusing. In his "Clipboard" column, Phil Roosevelt is skeptical about offering free memberships to the site, but curious about the moral implications. "Whether this plan succeeds – in making money or destroying civilization – remains to be seen."

Kathryn Hudson isn’t worried. In fact, she’ll soon be releasing another mobile web site, a personals site called PocketPersonals.com. A decidedly less controversial site, the tag line is, "Love is in the air – everywhere!" Hudson hopes to bring the mobile Internet into the next era using the same old elements that drew people into the current one.

"Love and sex, its what people are always looking for. Now they can find wherever they are, whenever they want it."