Hi Steve, could you please run this for me? [Nicole Moore]


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Nicole Moore

Nicole Moore

Hi Steve, could you please run this for me: Nicole

As you might of heard or have not, there have been many rumors going around the industry, this and last week of what really happened at Sex Survivor 2000.com. Most of it is true, but their is a human side to all of this, not just the corrupt venue of one or two individuals.

On this note, I would like to express my sincere and deepest apology to all my fans. I assure you, that neither I, nor The Liberty Network, any of it’s affiliates, Intimate Details Productions and The Liberty Management Team, had any knowledge of the Sexsurvior2000.com fiasco. I was only a contestant and as well as all of the other contestants, did not realize until later what was happening on the Internet. With this, I would like to earnestly apologize to Howard Stern, who I understand was guaranteed that this would not be just another Internet fuck-up, but unfortunately it was.

The upcoming feature, Sex Survivor 2000, which was filmed simultaneously, indeed will be a magnificent and outstanding video that would be worthy of your viewing. Furthermore, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and un-dying love to Sharon Mitchell, who without, we would have not been able to really survive. Thanks to all my fellow contestants and friends who are truly talented and professional performers. We all gave it our best and stuck together during this whole entire survival week. We didn’t know what to anticipate when we arrived, but remarkably so, most of us became friends and bonded together as a family. We helped, encouraged and supported each other through this grueling experience. While I’m on my gratitude excursion, I would also like to express my recognition to the crew of Surrender Cinema, who did their job with complete professionalism. We felt appreciated as talent and were treated with courtesy and respect during the entire production. At the end of the day when we rapped, the production crew left the premises, unlike some of the Internet crew and their management. I must gratefully say, that we were exceptionally accommodate and catered to by management, over and above, however, at times, especially after quitting time, the overpowering attention was a bit too much, too close.

I am sure that you all have realized by now that you have no access to Sexsurvivor2000.com. If you have tried to access the site, I believe that you were able to read the horrendous and unjustifiable notice. This is true, but this cuts even deeper and deeper. My husband, Steve Banan, on his own and without any monitory gain, put his companies and is reputation on the line. He established links throughout his network and his colleagues web sites so you, the viewing audience, could see this live as it unfolded. This was done in supporting us, the contestants and not to mention, the promotion and advertising of the Sex Survivor2000.com site. Since he was not a crew member, he was not allowed on the set, but he monitored it just like you,day and night from his offices. He was always available to you in the chat room for questions and information in regards to the Internet feed and glitches, and there were many. At that time, he was optimistic that the problems would be resolved quickly and efficiently. In spite of the inconceivable amount of equipment and technology, the Internet site was a bust. Watching us 24/7 live was such an awesome and unbelievable idea. Regretfully to say, due to the lack of expertise, skills and good management it did not turn out the way it was represented. The Internet failure was also influenced by the unforgettable and reckless behavior, including disregard of rules, regulations and integrity brought upon us by several individuals. This in-deed put a hefty toll on everyone involved.

I truly hope that next time a project of this magnitude is proposed to you, the viewing public, they will have their shit together. I will be setting up in the next few weeks a live chat at www.intimatedetails.com/preview.htm and be able to answer all of your question.

On a personal note to, Herschel, Charleen, Ronnie, Billy, Jason, Jay, Geno, Raquel, Billie, Alana, Chris, Adam, Steve, Dru, Rafe, Brian, Allison, Nadia, Kathy, Teri, Axel, Tony, Heidi, Summer, Michele, Zarina, Salina, Dave, Kira and Sam. I miss you all and hope to work with you soon. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Very Merry Christmas.

Thanks and Forever Yours,

Nicole Moore