Offspring Calls MTV Hypocritical Over Video Flap


Source: Reuters

By: Darren Davis

(NEW YORK, NY) — Days after MTV video censors allegedly put the kibosh on the first version of Stone Temple Pilots’ "No Way Out" comes news that the Offspring’s "Original Prankster" has been sent back to the editing table as well.

MTV allegedly rejected the clip containing a controversial, tongue-in-cheek scene featuring two naked schoolgirls on their principal’s lap as the camera pans to a newspaper clipping that reads: "Principal Arrested for Molesting Students." Instead of removing the scene, the network allegedly requested the removal of the word "molesting."

The video channel also allegedly had a problem with a scene in which a kid in the video puts dog poop on his dad’s sandwich. Singer Dexter Holland told Entertainment Weekly that MTV censors wanted the scene removed but later relented, saying that the band can’t show the dad biting into the sandwich, but they can show him spitting it out. Holland told the publication he believes the channel is hypocritical because the MTV show Jackass aired a stunt in which a man was covered in human excrement.

Calls placed to MTV by LAUNCH were not returned by press time.

The Offspring’s Conspiracy Of One is due November 14. It follows Americana, which has sold more than 4 million copies.