Bare-Breasted Poet Takes on Loggers


Source: Reuters


(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) — She thinks she knows what lumberjacks want.

A California performance artist has launched what she hopes will be a new women’s movement against logging ancient redwoods — baring her breasts and reciting poetry to stunned timber crews.

“They stop their chainsaws and they stop their trucks and they pay attention,” Dona Nieto, who goes by the name “La Tigresa,” as she prepared another demonstration.

“I’ve changed some of these guys’ lives. But I’d like to change the laws, and I’d like to change history.”

La Tigresa has brought what she calls “Goddess-based, nude Buddhist guerrilla poetry” to timber and logging sites in an area some 120 miles north of San Francisco that is one of the main battlegrounds in the fight between environmentalists and timber companies.