White House Porn Update: Bush Campaign Challenges Gore over Smut, Reports WorldNetDaily.com


Source: WorldNetDaily.com

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON) — “In the wake of Porngate — the latest scandal to rock the White House — GOP presidential nod George W. Bush challenged Vice President Al Gore to match his pledge to restore ‘honor and dignity’ to the White House, a Bush campaign spokeswoman told WorldNetDaily.com,” so begins an exclusive story in today’s edition of WorldNetDaily.com.

The story continues, “The remark comes in the wake of WorldNetDaily.com‘s news breaking story this week reporting that dozens of White House staffers and officials were caught downloading hard-core pornographic videos from the Internet onto their government computers, as WorldNetDaily first reported last week.”

“The White House has confirmed the cyber-porn problem and says it punished some workers. But it has declined to give details,” the story continues.

Paul Sperry, Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.com goes on to report, “Bush spokeswoman Mindy Tucker says the scandal underscores a lack of respect for the high office. She also says the misuse of government property and time by White House staffers is a waste of taxpayer money.”

Tucker is quoted in the story as saying “Gov. Bush would certainly hope that anyone working in the White House is using the resources and time there for the taxpayers’ business.”

The story reports, “Restoring decency to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is ‘something the people are wanting,’ Tucker said. ‘This (Pornogate) is another reason to make them want that.”’

Tucker told WorldNetDaily, “Al Gore has the opportunity to make that same pledge.”

In a separate exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily.com, White House personnel director Bob Nash says of White House porn consumers, “Anyone who uses government time and computers to do that ought to be fired — whoever it is. Anybody. Starting from the chief of staff on down. Anybody.” Nash claims he was unaware that White House employees had been involved in viewing massive amounts of hard-core pornography, including child porn and porn depicting human sex acts with donkeys, goats and dogs. Yet, Thursday, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart confirmed in an interview with the Washington Post that there had been “occasional transgressions by some people here.”

The series of WorldNetDaily.com stories, including Wednesday’s report which made the porn problem public, are available in their entirety by logging on www.worldnetdaily.com

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