Lieberman eyes ‘X-rated world’


Source: The Hollywood Reporter

By: Brooks Boliek

(WASHINGTON) — In his first public appearance as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Sen. Joseph Lieberman indicated Tuesday that he’s going to continue his crusade to get Hollywood to clean up its act.

In his official introduction as the No. 2 on the Gore-Lieberman ticket, the lawmaker from Connecticut pledged to "help renew the moral center of the nation."

In his remarks, made during an appearance in Nashville with Vice President Al Gore, Lieberman evoked statements that Tipper Gore, his running mate’s wife, made as leader of the Parents Music Resource Center when she crusaded against explicit music lyrics during the 1980s.

"We’re going to stand with parents across the country who are working so hard to raise PG kids in an X-rated world," Lieberman said.

Lieberman has been one of the entertainment industry’s toughest critics in Washington. He has pushed for an industry code of conduct, given out "Silver Sewer" awards for offensive programming, pushed for reinstatement of the so-called "family hour" and called for investigations into the industry’s marketing practices.

While Lieberman did not specifically mention the entertainment industry, his pledge that the Democratic ticket will empower "parents to pass on to their children their faith and moral values" echoes his calls in Congress to get the entertainment industry to clean up so parents will not have to fight Hollywood as they raise their children.