Nicole Sheridan Main Course in Formal Bukkake


Source: AINews

By: Steve Nelson

Nicole Sheridan

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Metro Entertainment’s cordial invitation to the press to A Mid-Day Bukkake was well worth the formal invitation it was printed on.

“Well organized” and “classy” usually are not words readily associated with a Bukkake, but the people at Metro pulled it off in good-humored tongue in cheek fashion.

Nicole Sheridan was radiant as she was wheeled out in a red cloth covered cart with only her head above a silver platter. The fluffers Tara and Lianne expertly primed the dinner-jacketed participants who one by one decorated Nicole’s face Bukkake style.

When the platter under Nicole’s chin began filling up she was moved to a pillowed platform where she received the remainder of her anointings.

The sex was so hot most of the guests came twice, with Tyce Bune and Joel Lawrence popping 4 and 5 times each.