Vivid Entertainment Group Applauds Supreme Court Ruling On Signal Blocking and Praises Playboy


Source: Vivid Entertainment Group

By: Company Press Release

(VAN NUYS, CA) — Vivid Entertainment Group, which owns two of the largest erotic cable television networks, ‘The Hot Network’ and ‘The Hot Zone’ Adult Channels, today applauded the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning a law that requires sexually explicit channels to block completely signals they send to non-subscribing households.

Bill Asher, President of Vivid and the senior executive of The Hot Network and The Hot Zone, praised Playboy Enterprises (NYSE:PLA – news) for “its tenacity and willingness to pursue this important First Amendment case.” There are only four significant pay-per-view adult services, by far the largest of which are The Hot Network and Playboy TV. The third and fourth largest are Vivid’s The Hot Zone and Spice, owned by Playboy. Together The Hot Network and The Hot Zone serve more than 25 million households.

Mr. Asher said: “Although the U.S. Supreme Court ruling has a direct effect on only two companies in the U.S., Vivid and Playboy, we think this significant test of the First Amendment impacts everyone. Last year we publicly expressed our confidence that the Court would find that Section 505 of the 1996 law regarding scrambling of adult programming is unconstitutional because it is a clear case of overkill. We congratulate Playboy for its victory in leading the way to getting this section overturned. The Hot Network and The Hot Zone take seriously our obligation to protect children, and we have strong barriers that prevent access to adult material by minors. Additional blocking devices are readily available if parents want them installed by cable systems.”

Vivid Entertainment Group is one of the world’s leading producers and distributors of adult entertainment for personal consumption in the home.